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"I am pleased to support Paras Bhayani for one of the two seats open on the Winchester Select Board. Paras will bring his professional background in municipal and corporate finance and knowledge of housing and economic development to work collaboratively with the other members to help guide Winchester’s future. As the Select Board looks to find innovative ways to meet operating needs and invest in capital projects while preserving the Town’s fiscal strength, I know Paras will play a key role in driving the Town forward.”
– Jason Lewis, State Senator, Town Meeting precinct 3

Town-Wide Officials

"I am very pleased to endorse Paras Bhayani for the Select Board. Paras’s considerable experience in municipal and corporate finance, paired with his strong focus on key long-term priorities like housing, economic development, and sustainability will be of enormous benefit. Above all, Paras is a collaborator. He combines analytical rigor with a spirit of teamwork and partnership that will strengthen the Select Board as a forum for the authentic listening and engaged, respectful, collaborative critical thinking that will lead to the best outcomes for our entire community."

     – Tom Howley, former Select Board Chair, Town Meeting precinct 3

"The rising cost of maintaining our buildings and operating our school, police, fire and DPW services will soon force Winchester to consider a general override. But before we do that, we must be assured that the Town is making best use of our tax dollars and has well-thought-out capital and operating plans. Paras has experience developing multi-million-dollar capital budgets, expertise managing financial and investment plans, and a demonstrated willingness to listen to all residents. The Select Board would benefit greatly from his commitment to good governance and his communication skills. I endorse Paras Bhayani for Select Board.”

     – Lance Grenzeback, former Select Board Chair, Town Meeting precinct 3

"I am endorsing Paras Bhayani for Select Board because he is well suited to help Winchester across a wide range of areas, from the Town’s fiscal picture and its capital needs, to housing and economic development, to climate and sustainability. I believe Paras’ strong financial and policy background, team-oriented style, and commitment to Winchester and its residents will help strengthen our Town for the benefit of all.

     – Mariano Goluboff, former Select Board Chair, Town Meeting precinct 5

"I support Paras Bhayani for Select
Board because his strategic planning acumen and belief in the importance of our schools give me confidence he will be a great partner as we look to invest in Town and School services amid challenging financial headwinds.

     – Tim Matthews, School Committee, Town Meeting precinct 1

"Recognizing that Winchester must balance educational investments with fiscal responsibility while advancing sustainability initiatives, Paras is the kind of thoughtful, collaborative leader we need for this moment. He understands that while our schools deliver an exceptional education despite below-average funding, there is more work that needs to be done. He brings innovative thinking as we confront our town's high cost of housing and capital needs. And, he understands that climate action is as much an investment in resilience and fiscal stewardship as it is about health, education, and clean energy.”

     – Tom Hopcroft, School Committee Vice Chair (and former Chair), Town Meeting precinct 7

"Paras brings the right skill set and temperament to the significant challenges Winchester faces at this time. His background in economic development, business, affordable housing and transportation, as well as his experience as a teacher and his commitment to environmental issues positions him well to immediately hit the ground running as a Select Board member. His understanding of climate change will make him a leader in helping to protect our Town while supporting Winchester’s progress toward becoming a Climate Leader Community, with the resultant eligibility for new State funds. Paras has the Town’s interests at heart and the financial, political and social savvy to get us there! "

     – Ruth Trimarchi, Board of Health, Climate Action Advisory Committee, Trees Committee, Town Meeting precinct 5

"Winchester faces significant near- and long-term challenges: enhancing our resilience to climate change, creating housing accessible to all of our residents, strengthening and diversifying our local businesses, managing our underfunded backlog of facilities maintenance and improvement projects. Paras Bhayani has a comprehensive understanding of these issues as well as relevant experience, and as a member of the Select Board will bring a thoughtful, pragmatic, and collaborative approach to addressing them."

     – Diab Jerius, Planning Board (and former chair), Town Meeting precinct 8

As a full-time educator, I see every day the pressure that towns and their school systems are under. I support Paras Bhayani because he will work collaboratively and effectively with the other Select Board members to craft a thoughtful approach to investing in town and school services for the benefit of all our residents.”

     – Shamus Brady, former School Committee and Finance CommitteeTown Meeting precinct 1


Keri Layton, Planning Board Chair

Dr. Gregory Sawicki
Board of Health Chair, Town Meeting precinct 1
Brian Vernaglia
Planning Board, Capital Planning Committee Vice Chair,
Town Meeting, precinct 4

Town Meeting Members

Kate Duncan 1
Stephanie Zaremba 2
Amy Poftak 3
Sarah Gannon 3
Wei Han 6
Taylor Tinmouth 6
Nick Bogovich 8
Laura Conti 8
Raegan McCain 8
Rebecca Slisz 8
"As a founding member of the WLIC, Paras helped lead the effort to strengthen early literacy in our schools. With his extensive public and private sector financial expertise, Paras is uniquely positioned to help the Select Board improve the financial health of the town and ensure our schools — and our town — have the funding needed to best serve our kids and all our town residents. The Winchester Literacy Initiative for Change is proud to endorse Paras Bhayani for one of the two seats on the Winchester Select Board."


Bhayani For Winchester
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