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Town & WPS Funding

Winchester faces a challenging financial reality and we will need both carefully considered efficiencies and new revenue to sustainably fund the Town and Winchester Public Schools. Any plan will require careful craftsmanship to align on a package that works for all and that balances four aims: 

  • Investing in town services, both municipal and schools 

  • Tackling our substantial unmet capital needs

  • Pursuing a revenue and cost savings package that minimizes to the extent possible the burden on taxpayers 

  • Preserving our town’s fiscal strength, including our stellar credit ratings

Town Budget

  • As a Select Board member, I will work with the Town Manager and other board members to find efficiencies where possible, including areas where we can use off-the-shelf technology to automate processes, expand the use of strategic and joint purchasing to achieve better rates for large cost categories, and better utilize Town assets to generate income.

  • The 2019 property tax override was designed to last four years, and it has lasted six years already. With inflation far above the Proposition 2½ cap over that period, we will likely need additional revenue to meet the needs of the Town.

  • Winchester has been prudent in its management of free cash and its long-term liabilities, including pension and other post-employment benefits. I would advocate maintaining a strong free cash position while using some excess for one-time capital needs, and using pension savings beginning in 2027 to pay down other liabilities on a reasonable schedule.

  • We should, as part of any override tax package, expand and improve programs designed to support seniors on fixed incomes. This includes ensuring that all seniors who are eligible participate in the statutory property tax exemption and the circuit breaker program, and that all seniors are aware of the program to defer all or part of their tax liability to the point of sale. Better communication about the existence of these programs will help those who may have more difficulty absorbing the property tax increases that come with overrides.

WPS Budget 

  • Winchester’s educational excellence is a cornerstone of our town’s prosperity, and our public schools play a big role in maintaining our town’s strong sense of community. The Select Board has a role in helping provide the resources required for Winchester Public School (WPS) to meet its needs given education represents 65% of the overall Town budget.

  • Winchester has achieved its excellent reputation with per pupil spending ($19.6k) that is one of the lowest among its peer districts (which average $23k), highlighting the efficiency of WPS today. 

  • As a Select Board member, I am committed to supporting our School Committee partners as they seek to properly fund general education, make strategic investments in early literacy and math curricula, support teachers with the professional development they deserve, and deliver well-resourced special education services.

  • In addition to these operating needs, the Town must deliver on its commitment to a new Muraco, building on the successful rebuild of Lynch currently underway.

Bhayani For Winchester
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